Congratulations to Isaac, Brenden H., Bethany, Levi,Justin, Natalie, Kristian, and Alexis! All these bloggers got an A on their Chapter 9 & 10 test! Way to go!>

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Human or Everafter?

If you lived in FerryPort Landing, would you rather be a human or an Everafter with magical powers? Write threee sentences for this post. The first sentence telling which you would choose. The second sentence telling an advantage to being what you chose and sentence three, tell a disadvantage to being what you chose. For extra credit, you can cite (quote) examples in the book to support your choice. Have fun! You have one week to complete this!


  1. Everafter.I would i choose them becuase i could know alot of things that not most people wouldt know.But i would have to live in the in Ferry Port Landing all my life and wait for all the grimms to die(not sayin i want them to)that would really STINK!

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  4. I would be a Everafter because its cool and living in ferryport Landing and knowing the Grimms is fun

  5. i would want to be an everafter because i would be able to do magic and i would be famous. the downside would be that i have to stay in ferryport landing (aka fairyport landing) until the grimms die.

  6. I would want to be an everafter. I would get to use magic all the time. But, I would be trapped in ferryport landing and the humans might not like me.

  7. I would like to be a everafter.They are magic and famous. They are also traped in Ferryport Landing.

  8. I would rather be a human because I don't want to be a weird freaky creature. The advantage would be that I could leave Ferryport Landing because there is a spell that prevents Everafters from doing so. The disadvantage would be that I wouldn't have any magic powers. Advantage: "Desperate to prevent what would surely be an all-out war between Everafters and humans, Wilhelm went to the most powerful witch in town, Baba Yaga. Together they cast a spell on the town, preventing any of the Everafters from leaving." (page 68) Disadvantage: "Because Charming is here to erase the Farmer's memory." (page 76)

  9. Wow, look at HorseL getting all those extra credit points! She shows you how to cite examples from the book. WTG, Horse! I am impressed will all of you who get on the blog each week and post something. Thanks! This will reflect in your grade in a big way!

  10. If I lived in Ferryport Landing I would want to be an Everafter.Iwouldn't have to get old.But I can't leave Ferryport Landing.

  11. i would be an everafter. they can stay as young as they want!I dont want to be old!i'll be famous in books!look at puck. he iooks 11 but he is 1000 years old!the thing that is sad is that i'll be trapped in faryport landing!

  12. I would be a everafter because i could use magical tools to get me somewhere or tell me somthing i need to know, for example if i need to know how to save my grandma i could ask mirror on the wall, a disadvantage would be they may work to good like the dust may erase your whole memory not what you just told them a second ago.

  13. I would be an Everafter.I would use magic for fun and mischief. I would choose this because even though i would live past my mortal friends, adventures open up. A disadvantage would be having to stay in boring old town.

  14. i would like to be an ever after because i would have magic and i could live forever and ever! it would be easier to punish people who did bad things, i could turn them into something! it would also be easier to clean the house and do chores. when do i sign up to be an everafter?

  15. An everafter of corse!Mostly because I can be a kid forever!But I'd be stuck in Ferryport Landing until the last Grimm doesn't exsists.


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