Congratulations to Isaac, Brenden H., Bethany, Levi,Justin, Natalie, Kristian, and Alexis! All these bloggers got an A on their Chapter 9 & 10 test! Way to go!>

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Annoying Character

What character in this book would get on your nerves in real life? Give me two or three details why this character is such a pest!


  1. I would say Daphne because she likes oddly colored food and she doesn't like anything I like.

  2. i think that i would not like Daphne because if i lived with her i would be so anoyed because she likes people that she dosent even know, she talks really loud, and asks questions about EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!

  3. The most annoying character would be Puck because 1: He follows you even if you say that you were leaving and for him to leave you alone, and 2: Because Puck tries to do mean things to you even if you didn't do anything mean to him.

  4. i think puck is RUDE, ANNOYING, and OBNOXIOUS because he says he can do everything, he thinks he is a king (but no one respects him), and he smells disgusting (or sabrina says)

  5. mayor charming because he is a snot!

  6. i think Mayor Charming because he is mean and annoying.

  7. I think it would be Puck or Jack because they are both annoying and a little rude (Jack is pretty violent,too)

  8. i dont like sabrina because shes adventureous and im not

  9. Well I think yuo are all doing a great job on this question! I can tell you sure have a strong opinion about the characters! Jamya, glad to see you made it on here!

  10. Puck is annoying because he like to play pranks on people and he likes to get people in troble

  11. mrs.Smirt,I know its really early in the book. But i still think she is annoying.

  12. mayor charming for sure!hes mean, rude, and i still cant believe HE is royalty!why cant i be the princess instead of him?

  13. GirlZilla, I totally agree with you. I mean, the "I'm an Idiot" hat? Come on!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I think Charming lacks at living up to his name

  16. Puck is rude, annoying, and disguisting. He has the word UCK in his name.

  17. Jack is violent and mean. I wouldn`t want to live with him.


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