Congratulations to Isaac, Brenden H., Bethany, Levi,Justin, Natalie, Kristian, and Alexis! All these bloggers got an A on their Chapter 9 & 10 test! Way to go!>

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Green Butter Wins!

Looks like Green butter won as the most disgusting food Granny Relda made for a meal! Black spaghetti and emerald meatballs tied for second place in our poll. Yummy!

Human or Everafter?

If you lived in FerryPort Landing, would you rather be a human or an Everafter with magical powers? Write threee sentences for this post. The first sentence telling which you would choose. The second sentence telling an advantage to being what you chose and sentence three, tell a disadvantage to being what you chose. For extra credit, you can cite (quote) examples in the book to support your choice. Have fun! You have one week to complete this!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Annoying Character

What character in this book would get on your nerves in real life? Give me two or three details why this character is such a pest!