Congratulations to Isaac, Brenden H., Bethany, Levi,Justin, Natalie, Kristian, and Alexis! All these bloggers got an A on their Chapter 9 & 10 test! Way to go!>

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Which Character Are YOU?

On this post, I would like to know what book you are reading in the series right now. Also, what character reminds you most of you? If you were that character for real, is there anything you would change in the story or change in the way your character acts? ( for example.. I am most like Puck but I think he should use better manners when he meets people.)


  1. i am reading book 3 the problem child. I think sabrina reminds me of myself.But,i think she should be able to controll her anger a little better.

  2. Good job, Kami! you are the first to do this one. :)

  3. I'm reading book 3 the problem child. I think Daphne's like me because we're both always excited about things. But I think she needs a better taste for clothes.

  4. i am reading book 2 and i think Sabrina is like me because we are always answering qustions and i think she does need to control her anger like kami-jane said

  5. I'm on book 2. I'm most like Elvis because I'm loyal. I'd make him a 'everafter-human' (like Jack but good).

  6. im on book 2 and i think puck is most like me because were both full of miscive, but his tricks are a little to mean.

  7. I finished the series.(until michal buckley makes book 8:) ) I think I would be puck because I pester my little sister like puck pesters people.I wish that puck would not always be jealous of other people.

  8. I am reading the second book in the series. I think that I am most like Daphne. I'm most like Daphne because: sometimes I don't listen to my parents, just like Daphne, sometimes not listening to her sister. I just think that Daphne shouldn't get upset and crabby to often.

  9. I'm reading the 2nd book,I think im more or less like puck because he can be funny and pull pranks on people like i do.I would like to change how he swells up with pride after a complement.

  10. Good Job! Girlzilla and Daphany are following in my footsteps! Now if only I could convince puckami he's not me....

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I am like Sabrina,but she still needs to control her anger.

  13. If only i can convince puck he is nothing like me hmmmm....


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