Congratulations to Isaac, Brenden H., Bethany, Levi,Justin, Natalie, Kristian, and Alexis! All these bloggers got an A on their Chapter 9 & 10 test! Way to go!>

Friday, March 5, 2010

Gob, Corking and Barmy!

Jack uses many words unfamiliar to the girls throughout the story. Check out pages 173, 175 and 181 to read them in context.
Explain what you think these three words mean by looking at how Jack uses them in a sentence. Add any other British words you might know from reading other books? (like Harry Potter)


  1. I think that" Barmy" means "terrible" based on the way Jack used the word. I think that "Gob" means "Bottom". I think that the word "corking" means "Yes,awesome, or cool!"

  2. I think barmy means,boring because he's trying to describe the town,but we don't know what word he's using.

  3. I think a gob is a type of club,because he used them in the same sentence.

  4. i think barmy means terible. gob means shin. and corking might mean great or excellent!

  5. I think barmy means stupid. Since he's describing the town. Otherwise I agree with Daphany.

  6. i think barmy means stupid or boring,i think gob means head, and corking means yes!i did it or finally!

  7. Wow! some excellent definitions! We'll see who is close in our next class. :) Hope you are all enjoying your vacation?

  8. I think barmy means crazy,gob means shin, and corking means amazing.

  9. Gob=shin.Barmy=horible.Corking=awesome!

  10. i think corking means weird based on the way he used it.

  11. i think barmy means like hideous

  12. Exactly Liarella!British is WEIRD!


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