Congratulations to Isaac, Brenden H., Bethany, Levi,Justin, Natalie, Kristian, and Alexis! All these bloggers got an A on their Chapter 9 & 10 test! Way to go!>

Monday, January 25, 2010

Talk to Puck....if you dare

Here's where you can chat with Puck...he comes on occasionally to pester you. Write or ask him questions..if you dare!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Guilty or Not Guilty??

The Grimm sisters, along with Granny Relda, are "sleuths of fairy tale crimes". Think about all the fairy tales you have read in your young life and tell me what crimes have been committed in those tales. Name the character, the fairy tale and the crime! This should be fun...if someone has written one, you cannot repeat it! For instance, I think Goldilocks was guilty of breaking and entering the bears' house. You can't use that one since I just said it though! I look forward to reading what you bring to this week's blog!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Check out Michael's Buckley's Grimm Sister Site!

Super Sentence!

We have all been reading the first book in class and so I want you to quote me a sentence you read from the book that you either liked or related to in some way. After you write the sentence, then tell us why you chose it...was it funny, does it remind you of you or someone else? Does it remind you of a memory you have? Make sure you only respond to this question in this part of the blog. If you want to chitchat, you can go to the first post which is entitled, Introduction. I can't wait to read what you pick! This is due next Tuesday, Jan. 19th!